Kareena Grywinski
Nominated by: Melissa Robinson
My name is Kareena Grywinski and I am very honored to have been nominated for one of the Bear Clan Patrol Inc. Board of Director positions. I have lived in the beautiful city of Winnipeg all of my life. I have held a management positon at Costco Wholesale for the past 27 years. Majority of my spare time is dedicated to fundraising . I run a non profit organization called Feed The Furbabies Canada. We provide food to local rescues and First Nation communities in Manitoba that are experiencing food insecurities for their beloved pets. We also provide low cost spay and neuter clinics. Over the past two years I have organized multiple fundraisers for both Bear Clan Patrol Inc and N’Dinawemak. Past fundraisers have included, survival packages, bottled water, battery powered laterns, winter wear and most recently reusable water bottles for use with the cities portable water stations. I believe all community members should be treated with respect and compassion. Helping is healing.